This game was the very first MMO besides Medievia (Text based MMO). It was the first MMO I have ever played.

User Rating: 10 | Ultima Online PC
Greatest MMO out and probably will be forever. It was the first MMO with graphics. AND IT IS FREE. Go to You run around killing things and getting their loot. The things to kill goes on and on: Sheep, ratmen, lizardmen, goats, birds, snakes, dragons, daemons, liches, skeletons, etc. You can either go around being a smithy and making weapons and armor and selling it to people. You can be a PK(Player Killer) don't enter the town though you will be killed on the spot. A tailor to make clothes, fisherman, cook, lumberjack, archer, mage, fighter, tamer, and many more. I recommend you at least try it out. There is much to learn in the world of Ultima Online, and you may just be the person to learn it all.