Better than a flight simulator...??? ...probably... :)

User Rating: 9 | UK Truck Simulator PC
I bought this game without expecting too much... being a fan of simulators, from planes to boats and from cities to space, It's really great to lose yourself for a moment doing something from the real world in the not-so-real-world of PC gaming...

So, I installed the game and next thing I know is that 5 hours passed by without warning... wow!... for me, that means only one thing: this game is Good! :)

The detailed environments, the good detail of the trucks and cars passing by, the weather effects... the career mode... everything a simulator needs is there for your enjoyment.

Driving through the highways is just as fun as... ...well... as driving a truck, hehe, don't look for big blasting crashes here, or 200mph chases. Not even a single pedestrian, just cars, the land and you...

It's not the perfect game, of course, but, why a rating of 9 ???
It's simple, it's completely immersive, and that's where this game suceeds!,

You can add your own music while you drive, but the in-game music, with that euro-style is great!

The cameras are always a thing to improve in almost every simulator I've played... but, all in all, you get used, and after a while you can handle the best camera angle needed for every specific task, for example the top view is mandatory when you have to pick up your cargo, etc...

The (much needed) road maps help you get crossing the roads with no effort, but you'll really need to stop and think how to proceed to get to the next destination... (especially if you are not used to the European roads and signs), and then trying to avoid getting stuck or having to go in reverse because "That's hell!"

The rest, like the in-game indicators for your current situation, the damage, the tiredness and oil changes, all add a nice touch to the experience, close to real life situations...

If you have patience and a taste for simulators, you won't be disappointed with this series.