Game that will keep you on your seat...

User Rating: 8.5 | UFO: Trilogy PC
As the game proceeds, there are many things happening at the same time.. attacked by aliens, attacking aliens, attacking bases, researching,... blah blah blah...

And it really keeps you real focused as the units that are controlled by you, are quite fragile, regardless of the armour... and there are quite a large array of weapons, and you have to think of a strategy to counter the aliens..
I do a head-on approach, and just rush them with any weapons I have on default.. and it was a painful process..

Overall, at this point, I find that this game is a good investment, especially if you used to play XCOM before...

What I like about this game is that you can focus on the action and less on logistics or financial planning, as the equipments that come in are free! And I just like the process of researching something new, and is always awaiting for new technologies that makes the game even easier for me to clear of the aliens