A clone that didn't really make it - even with the mods installed.

User Rating: 4.5 | UFO: Extraterrestrials PC
I loved X-COM when I first got it in the 90's. This game could have given me a nice flashback from the excitement back then, but it didn't. The graphic is not up to 2007 standards at all. Movement and action feels awkward - like plastic toys. The missions are very hard on normal difficulty witch means that half of your crew can die just by exiting the carrier craft. I would like to explore the game further but there is too many weak ingredients in start for me to take that time...

However the ideas seem great - if only the graphic and gameplay would be good enough! The economy and base building is ok as well as the research - very similar to the great for-father X-COM. Maybe the score would been better if the game came in 2003 or something. I still want to give creds for making this game, I hope that the second one is better!