Great battles and tons of planning, the physics, line of sight calculations & multiple storeys make this a great game.

User Rating: 9.1 | UFO: Aftershock PC
The good: It's amazing how wrong the gamespot reviewer is. The fact is that this is a really-really fun game, with excellent graphics in the missions (turn up the res, detail and antialias Todd...), great music one of which is of brilliant composure. People like me who loved UFO-enemy unknown should appreciate the game even if it has some flaws. I can easily overlook the repetition of maps (which are not that repetitive actually and every time they play out differently, Counterstrike anyone?). The character building and weapons is a major upgrade from aftermath.
The voice acting is outstanding with none of the dodgy eastern european voices expected.
The sounds in the missions are quite well done and weapon sounds work well. The fights in the game are very varied depending on the opposition. The human and cultist opponents can get very challanging but most rewarding, with some amazing fight scenes unfolding. Game difficulty is adjustable.

The bad: The graphics are not so good outside of the missions but I wouldnt call it bad, very google earth-esque. There are bugs in selecting mission. The "track" building interface is downright terrible and unuserfriendly and is probably the worst part of the game. Learning curve is high. Too high for some reviewers.

Patch 1.2 fixes much of the problems with the game although I didnt experience to many even unpatched.
If one can learn how to play and isn't forced to review the game for living then maybe appreciate the game for what it is: The only great turn based combat game to come out in the past 3 years or more (although i did enjoy aftermath also).
It's interesting that even the line of sight and awareness skills in the game were not appreciated by the reviewer. The enemies are not popping out of nowhere, but hide, attack from behind or use psi power to affect the soldiers.

Worth buying as it is a major improvement over aftermath and I am happy to support and can\t wait for the next one. Gamespot review should take some flak for their biased review I reckon. The game deserves an 80 on GS but because of the 40 I give it 90 to balance out that rubbish of a review.