Good game but resource management lets it down. Not quite the X-Com update I wanted, but hopefullt tyhe sequel will be.

User Rating: 8 | UFO: Aftershock PC
Fair graphics for a strategy game, with good game play but sadly not really enough. I think anyone who bought this game REALLY wanted it to be the "next" X-Com. Close, but some things just don't make the cut. The tactical missions are fast paced, but just not the same. I think the system Aftermath uses is more exciting than X-Com's turn based system, but for some reason it lacks the intensity. Another flaw is that there are not as many levels for the tactical missions, some are exactly the same except for the details, ie; you fight around the same spaceship on the same hill, except the hill is covered in sand, or grass, or rock etc. but the layout is the same.
Also, the base management just is'nt the same, it may seem like days have passed as you wait for your research and base construction to finish because you have to do SO MANY of the SAME missions, but when you actually look at the game clock, only days, or even hours have passed. There are simply too many missions. Progress seems to be made too fast, a mere mission a day (in the game time I mean) would suffice. Also sometimes your resources just deplete, and you can just be at a loss to get them back up. It would be nice also to have the option to buy weapons and equipment from the other factions. Overall, I think its a very good game, I know I seem to have just pointed out its flaws but they are serious ones. I would recommend the game, just don't get your hopes up for the X-Com update I know WE ALL WANT!