Amazing game, very frustrating when playing career mode.

User Rating: 9 | UFC Undisputed 2010 X360
This game is Amazing and there is just no denying it, I am always playing "Exhibition Mode" with the pro-fighters, however, I never use my career made charater. The main reason why is because, well, he sucks! The career mode is very very frustrating, sometimes you have to lose, it might just be me but I have never played sucha hard game on a normal difficulty. I literally save the game before I fight for a match in case I lose so I can come back to the point I saved at. That's not the point though, the fighting camps are quite fun, learning to fighting moves,styles, and I know some of the fighting camps which is pretty cool. The visuals are amazing, the punches thrown at the fighters faces starts out red then continues to get bruised and eventually cuts are around the eyes, noses, cheeks, and jaws. Of course it depends which punches or kicks you throw, for example you throw 3 hard elbows at someones face, a huge cut begins to be shown. Another thing I loved about the gameplay was the feeling you get when you are beating the opponent down, you hear this smacking sound when your in ground and pound whenever your beating on the guy and he's let his guard down, which is AMAZING! The dudes face just starts bleeding and cuts show everywhere, awesome part of the game. The music in the game is decent, and listenable. The story line seems to be heading nowhere, but, fighting is fun. The controls have somewhat changed but in a good way, your able to go with the flow. The graphics of fighters are somewhat the same as in UFC 2009 just a little better.

Graphics: 8/10

Sound Effects: 9/10

Controls: 9/10

Music: 7/10

Storyline: 6/10

That's my review I hope you guys find this helpful.