has flaws, but by far the best

User Rating: 9.5 | UFC Undisputed 2010 PS3
Picking up UFC Undisputed 2010 for the first time, I believed it to be exactly the same as 2009. 2010 is a whole new step up from its predecessor. It offers a much better stand up game that is less robotic and more realistic and a ground game (that oce finding the hang off) offers good fun and a whole new world from stand up

Gameplay 9/10 - Matches are multi-dimensional. I say this meaning that there isn't only one way to fight a match. You can stand up and fight toe to toe for 3 rounds and feel totally satisfied with the win, or you can take down and slowly work down your opponant until he submits or you win from a TKO. The only flaw with the game is when you are taken down it can be a pain trying to recover back up without losing too much stamina and without your submission (both offense and defense) being at 90 you'll find it hard to submit somebody or escape a submission.

Graphics 10/10 - I can't see any flaws with the graphics. The the fighters look amazing (except Matt Serra looking thin), even down to the sweat dripping off their bodies. The clipping issues have gone (CLAY GUIDA IS IN!) compared to last years problems and there are even southpaws in the game name.

Overall 9/10 - The career mode is amazing, title mode keeps you wanting more and title defense mode is a great addition to the title mode. Online play is the poor side but the game offers endless hours of fun playing offline. By far the best sporting game ever made and I'll continue to play it until the next in the series comes out. EA Sports MMA better be good to beat this.