phatboi1987's review of UFC Undisputed 2010. One of the best fighting game's ever!

User Rating: 9.5 | UFC Undisputed 2010 PS3
First THQ did an amazing job of topping the last UFC game. The fighters look more realistic, move more realistic, and it make's you feel like you're watch a fight and not just playing it! Not too mention the added ground movements, and actually being able to press you're opponent against the cage, and you can now even cage walk. Yes this game is simply amazing. Even career mode became MAJORLY improved. The improvements actually added a little more challenge then the last, and in my opinion is not a bad thing. With some of the good old and then some new "verrrryyyy nnnnniiiiiiccccceeeeee" new features, this game is a MUST own for any fight fan. If you're a UFC fan or MMA fan period and DONT OWN THIS, smack youreself across the face right now, go look in the mirror and ask yourself, "What's wrong with me?". Yeah I am taking it that far. Some characters I miss not being on here are lil Nog BUT with 100's of other fighters it's all good. Now then I shall let everyone be so they can pick a copy up and start ground n pounding away at the analog sticks. Also I was A LIL worried Rampage wouldn't be on there (my favorite fighter) BUT he was/is so it is all good, and I pity the fool who doesn't go pick up this game!!!!