Ty was fun but it was also fun the first time I played it as Banjo-Kazooie. You won't find anything original here.

User Rating: 6.5 | Ty the Tasmanian Tiger GC
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger is a great game for what it is...a traditional 3D platformer. Technically, there is very little wrong with the basic engine and game functions. It plays smoothly and has the addictive collecting that other fantastic platformers have.

The problem is that as a gamer and consumer, I don't see much of a reason to purchase this title. With established platformers like Mario, Sonic, Spyro, Crash, or even Pac-man World cluttering the original character platform game market and even more Disney or Dreamworks licensed titles littering the playing field where does EA see a gap or even the need for another platforming mascot. Ty, as a character, is pretty boring and the story is the standard collect these five things in order to save the world affair. So I ask, with other titles providing a close to equivalent or better gameplay experience and all of them providing a better story and set of characters, what is the motivation to drop some cash on Ty. I know, its hard to think of an answer.

Don't get me wrong, Ty is fun and familiar. Many of the things in TX4 are directly taken from one of the best 3D platformers ever...Banjo-Kazooie. Even some of the music sounds almost stolen from the classic. While mimicking your influences is nice, it doesn't make a game great. If you want a quick play with very familiar experiences, or if you somehow have never played a 3D platformer you will love TX4.