Once in a while comes a game so amazing that it takes you breath away... Two Worlds is not it.

User Rating: 6.5 | Two Worlds PC
It seems that a lot of games which have decent graphics can get good score on gamespot even if they fall short in other areas. That's fine; a lot of people only care about graphics. But if you write about Two Worlds that it has "depth of content" then you are misleading people.

Remember Oblivion? Remember how some people complained about lack of depth and how that game got boring soon? Well, Two Worlds is watered down version of Oblivion. Jumping on the bandwagon it tries to lure you with good graphics and large world to explore. The problem is that you have very little incentive to explore, because unlike in Oblivion, you don't have number of caves, forts and etc to discover and loot. To make things worse, variety of monsters to fight is so limited that every location feels the same.

Two Worlds could also use some more work on the difficulty rate. I was being sarcastic when I gave it "just right": in the beginning it's too hard, later it becomes too easy so on average I guess it's ok. :)
I chose to be an archer and the beginning of the game looked like Benny Hill episode: I would fire one or two arrows, then get chased around the house by group of monsters until I could reload at which point I would fire again and repeat the whole process. When I got to higher level I gained ability to fire multiple arrows, make one arrow go through multiple enemies... needless to say game got too easy.

One thing I did like in Two World was the ability to stack items on the same type, creating more powerful items. So if you have you favorite weapon you can keep improving it instead of having to trade for something more powerful.

I also have to mention the voice acting: it is so bad that it's almost good (it was suggested that maybe it was intentional). The game tries to fake old English by making characters say words like "nay" or "mayhap".

After playing the game for 10-15 hours it seems that it has nothing more to offer. I'm putting the game on shelf and it's unlikely I'll ever return to it.