I thought this game was gonna be a good game, but it was very disapointing.

User Rating: 5.5 | Turok PC
My opinion, this game sucked bad. I mean, the story was ok, but I hated the gameplay. Maybe if it was made by a different company, maybe Sega, or Activision, but I dont really like Touchstone at all. Propaganda games did good on this game though, I recommend more of Propaganda Games. This is like the only game I have ever played of theirs. I mean, if you don't mind bad gameplay and just want a good story, then I guess this is the game for you. I like games with good gameplay and a helluva good story. But thats just my opinion. It had a ok viriety of dinosaurs to kill, but some were just annoying. And I also like games that you fight with an army or at least 3 other people. You only fought with 1 other person. And the online? I didnt like it that much, when your trying to kill other people, AI dinosaurs come and kill you out of nowhere. All together, I didnt really like the game. Play for yourself to see.