Probably the most frustrating game out!

User Rating: 6 | Turok (Steelbook Edition) PS3
Turok seemed to have a great premise to begin with, with you watching your mates being dragged into the trees by something you couldn't see but hear. It kept you on edge and made you walk slowly as you only had a knife on you.
Well that was the best bit of the game, so if you stop there you will believe this is amazing.
However, if you continue you will find yourself battling relentless enemies and vicious dinosaurs that just don't want to die. Your guns don't seem to effect the dinosaurs unless you unload a whole clip of your machine gun on it (if your lucky it will stop). Most of the time you will be faced with several velociraptors speeding towards you and some of your team will just be watching, or be on the floor injured for ages. But then the raptors seem to respawn out of holes in walls and it starts all over again until you've killed enough of them.
Very frustrating firefights are all through the game, whether your fighting dinosaurs or humans. The gun selecting is strange to get use to aswell.
The annoying thing about this game is there is no easier difficulty to choose from on the main menu, and what gets me is that it says 'normal', but if its normal then the game shouldn't be this hard. I felt like I was playing Turok on 'hard'.
The dinosaur animations were good though, especially a T-rex you encounter. The T-rex looks and moves naturally and makes you feel like your lost in Jurassic Park jungles.

Story- 3/5
Characters- 3/5
Gameplay- 2/5
Controls- 2/5
Graphics- 3/5
Sound- 3/5
Length- 3/5
Replayability- 1/5
Atmosphere- 3/5
Enemy AI- 2/5

Good Points: The dinosaurs are cool with naturally good animations, Decent story, Good voice acting.

Bad Points: Very hard game, Poor friendly AI, Weapons don't feel good to shoot, Lots of enemies in each battle, Dinosaurs knock you over easily and can kill you quickly.