This game is much better than what it gets credit for.

User Rating: 8.5 | Turok (Steelbook Edition) PS3
This game is fun. There are better games out there, but this game is very cheap so it is a bargain. I will talk about the main points in the game in different paragraphs.

The graphics are very good. Environments won't randomly pop up like in other games. The jungle looks lush and the characters pretty good. This isn't the best graphics though, but the graphics are still pretty good.

The special sound effects don't sound very cheesy and are actually pretty good. Again, like most of this game, not the best.

The controls have a few slightly strange things, but overall are good.

In my mind this is the most important thing, and the game does a pretty good job. It is very satisfying to perform a knife kill on a dino or shoot down a lot of guys with dual-wielded machine guns. One downside is the AI. It is not very good though not terrible. When a friendly is following you around it can make you very mad that they don't follow you. The enemies are mediocre. This game mainly just throws lots of enemies at you and nothing else.

Story: The story isn't gripping or exciting(it is actually quite bad). Fortunately the gameplay mostly makes up for this.