This game still has fun left in it.

User Rating: 7.7 | Turok: Rage Wars N64
After completely demolishing the single-player in Golden Eye 007, my next move was to purchase Turok: Rage Wars. And so I did. And the outcome that i've gathered? Awesome. Rage Wars was fun then and still is fun to this day. The multiplayer aspect of Rage Wars has non-stop killing sprees and is just plain fun to endure in. The majority of the weapons in the game have two significant functions, making combat and gameplay much more interesting. However, the weapons might be nice, but the computer AI (no matter what difficulty setting is present) do not stand a chance against a human onslaught. Killing an enemy and getting away with it is as easy as putting a slice of cheese on a sandwich. But, those who are weak at heart and cannot take much punishment in FPS games will have a blast at tearing away their opposition. The graphics do stand out very well, thus making this game way ahead of it's time and a big thumbs up for the Nintendo 64 for allowing such a fun game like Rage Wars to grace it's system.