turok evolution is a first person dinosaur killing game in which you kill dinosaurs and lizard men.

User Rating: 7.5 | Turok: Evolution PS2
In Turok you play the role of a man named Tak who goes into the jungle where dinosaurs and lizard men live. There is an assortement of weapons in turok most of them have two different modes for them. The weapon you start with is a club which only has one mode for it. Later on you find more weapons to kill with. In this game you have to kill some pretty tough dinosaurs including a t rex. Also there is some lizard men who carry all sorts of guns. There is about 15 levels on Turok evolution each one has different parts to it, sp there may only be 15 levels but there is loads of different parts. On this game there is a multiplayer mode where there is loads of different kinds of matches like death-match. The only problem with the multiplayer mode is that you can't do the campaign with it. The graphics on this game are pretty cool. The greatest part about this game is the fact that you get to kill some cool dinosaurs.