What a delightful adventure!!!

User Rating: 10 | Turok: Evolution PS2
Now then...I am not the one to fall for 1st person shooters...but I thought I may as well give it a go (depite the fact that it got some bad ratings on this site....) and I really ejnioiyed it!!!! In fact, it was somewhat better than Turok 2 for the N64......but it was the 2nd most delightful I enjoyed (the first one was Perfect Dark for N64).......

The first thing which hits me is the colour sheme....I liked the fact that the maority of the game is within the lush jungles of some dreamy island jungle...but there are also other areas to explore......as I still have the first few levels to get through!!!! But the surroiunding graphics are quite good....

As always in every Turok game, u have a big arsenal of weapons....only thsi time they are better rendered and vary in degree of dino-destructability!!! My favourites are the stealth ones like the bow and arrow and long range gun.....

There is also the added bonus of a Starfox-like shoot em every now and then...aboard this flying dinosuar (what do you call them again?? a something suarus....hmmmm....) and you can shoot all that you like.....mainly enemies though, lolz!!! I was a bit iffy to start off with (you know, dodging corners,shooting in a staright line, etc....did I tell you how much I hated flying games!!!?!?!?) but good old Turok was user friendly in this case, and I found it an absolute pleasure to sieze the reins of the dinosaur and shoot (and bomb) those baddies down below (and in the sky....woahhh!!!!!)

There are loadsa monsters to fight agains...and some pretty awe-inspiring bosses too.....some beasties which I have come acrpss are dinosoids, crocodiles and some barmy baboons!!!! So its been splutter splutter everwhere ( the blood I mean, not the marsh land!!!!)

The music is quite good...so far anyway...typical jungle jingle to get you into the mood....and the flying one is good too....

Now then the only two let downs of the game are the somewhat lo-res graphics of the dinosaurs that need brushing up a little....and the dialogue...namely Turok, coz he does not say much....or is he meant to be native to English, I dunno....??!? But I reckon the gameplay is so superb that I tend not to notice these at all....just concentrate on the business side of things!!!!!

Like I said...I dont tend to go for 1st person shooters...but as I had already tried Turok 2 for N64, i thought may as well give it a go.....it seems to put to shame games like Terminator 3: Redemtion and other daft titles like Battle Engine Tequilla (oops, I meant AQUILLA!!!!) aBSOLUTLEY TERRIFIC......5 STARS i SAY, BRAVO BRAVO!!!!