Turok is a OK 2D-shooter game for the GBA with the mix of metal slug and Contra.

User Rating: 7 | Turok: Evolution GBA
Turok Evolution is a basic 2D-shooter game for the GBA wich is fun and addictive.There are 2 different difficulties to choose from wich are Normal and professional,and let me tell you its actually just as hard as Contra 1.There are 20 levels and 5 boss battles (each boss after 5 level).The Weapon selection is good in the game there are 10 diffrent Weapons and evry weapon has a "alien Mode".My favourite weapon is the "super shotgun",thats what i call it because its a very big explosion from the shotgun.

The only dissapointing in this game is that the bosses are kinda boring and theres a password system..they could have at least put some kind of saving system for it,password fits more for the Game Boy Color.

Overall its a good game that is worth adding to your GBA collection.

Thank you for reading -HappyGamingNerd