I picked up Turning Point for PS3 in a bargain bin for about ten bucks, and it turned out to be allright. I enjoyed it.

User Rating: 7 | Turning Point: Fall of Liberty PS3
Turning Point Fall of Liberty for PS3.

I played and beat this game in October 2009, almost two years after its release in February 2008. The game is rated T for Teen.

The good:

This game is fun. I insist on playing all my games at the hardest level possible and this was no exception. This makes my gaming experience more enjoyable and challenging. I knew that if I played this game on easy or normal I'd run through it and finish it in a couple of sessions. Playing on hard causes the player to slow down and calculate your next move more carefully. Turns out the campaign is actually challenging and very entertaining, and the maps and environments are very diverse.

It has a good soundtrack.
It has decent next-gen graphics.

This game is environmentally friendly. Or rather, environmentally deadly. The environmental kills were a unique twist that added to the game's enjoyment. On the 360 version you can rack up some fun achievements with them.

It has a good balance of ammo and weapons, though I recommend you conserve ammo whenever possible. There were moments when I had no bullets and the only way out was to use a melee attack and take a Nazi hostage as a human shield.

It has an interesting premise, the hero's story is somewhat incomplete but the whole premise got me interested. Now, it does involve WWII and the Nazis, however, it's an alternate universe type game not to be necessarily compared and measured against every other WWII shooter. Towards the end of the game I was really attached to the hero Carson. I wonder if we'll ever see him again.

The bad:

I don't necessarily demand that all my characters in my games look as cool as your Chris Redfield types, but something about the character design, and especially the animations seemed rushed and incomplete.

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty for the PS3 has some possibly unintended features or bugs that may have frustrated other players who are used to being able to run and jump unobstructed all over the place. For example, while moving forward and running work normally, moving backwards is very, very slow. So if you run into an area and want to quickly back out because you come under heavy fire, you actually have to try to turn around and run else you will become a dead ragdoll, which will happen a lot if you play on hard mode. I worked around this by simply sniping from outside, or chucking a grenade inside prior to running in.

There is a unique issue with the aiming and shooting behavior. Sometimes you will not hit what you are aiming at. So maybe the problem is that this game's shooting mechanics are too realistic. The sniper rifles and rocket launchers worked perfectly though.

Some enemies will spawn behind you, or in an area that you've already cleared. If this is a feature for hard mode only, then it worked, it made the game harder to beat. However, sometimes enemies will spawn right in front of me out of thin air.

All of these unpredictable and unique behaviors in the game force the player to take a trial an error approach that will try the patience of any ghost recon type, as even an intelligent and prudent approach to the campaign is no match against sometimes erratic behavior. On the other hand, this presented a unique challenge in beating the game.

Don't get your hopes up about multiplayer.

In conclusion, we can't all afford to buy every single $60 title out there, I spent about ten bucks on this baby and I'm glad I did. I had a great time playing it, and think that hard core FPS fans will too.