Absolutely worst games I've ever played! Whatever you do STAY AWAY...... This game belongs on a fail blog.

User Rating: 1 | Turning Point: Fall of Liberty PC
REALLY?! 1.0 is the lowest score I can give out. What about negative numbers due to health risks? There are so many things wrong with this game one of which is not the plot, I'll give them that one. Seemed like it would be interesting and different in a sea of FPS that all seem to copy from each other.

So onto the bad and why this game and developer will never be visited by me ever again.
1. From the beginning this game appears very cheap graphic wise, especially for a game that was released around the same time as Crysis. I know Crysis is a steep order to beat but it seems that Return to Castle Wolfenstein was even better than this game graphics wise and I think it's about 5 years older. The first time you shoot the enemy you'll see how absolutely bad the character animation is too. Did you pull these animators from a crash course High School VoTech class or what? hmmm, shame, shame, it's a sham

2. I love FPS, simulators, RPG's and pretty much any game that deals with a WWII them I'm in. With all those years of experience and never becoming even a little dizzy you would think I'd never experience any kind of vertigo. I only played this game for 5 minutes almost an hour ago and I still feel nautious! What the F!

3.Getting this game to run is a pure gamble. I purchased this game to run on a Intel Q6600 with an ATI 3870, a system that would run Crysis at an exceptable 25fps on High settings across the board, no small feat in and of itself. So why oh why does this game fail to run past the setup on such a system. Only after I purchased a new i7 920 with a GTX 260 did I finally get to see if this game was worth the wait. I waited nearly an entire year to play this game. Well it runs on the new system but who cares, from my gaming timeline that starts with a Commodore 64 till now I consider this the worst game I've ever played.

In conclusion this game should have never been released and I blame you Codemasters, you bloody fools! You caught my eye with Flashpoint, lured me in with Toca 3, disappointed me with your controller support for Dirt, and ruined our relationship with this rubish. The trust is lost.....