Woulda, coulda... shoulda. A fumble on the 5 yard line!

User Rating: 5.5 | Turning Point: Fall of Liberty PC
I've never been more jazzed for a release in the years I've been playing FPS. I was intrigued by the entire "alt history" concept of this game. I closely followed it's development. I was crushed when the intial reviews came out. How could they fumble this brilliant concept so badly, I asked myself. Well, weeks and months went by and finally I had to find out for myself. I picked up a garbage copy of the game used on ebay and decided to give this game a ride.

Long and tedious. No loading music like most current games, few static scenes to look at while loading. The only saving grace was no authentification codes were needed. "B"

The sound track was engrossing and well done. Sound effects were good but 2 dimensional. When NY is under attack there was little or no "distant" battle sounds that made the COD series so amazing. "C-minus"

Man I'd never played a port before. This thing was obviously made for a game controller with the PC port a very dismal afterthought. I often found myself fumbling for keys that should've been bound differently and the "use" key was particularly troublesome, you had to get your cursor "just right" or you couldn't control jack. Grenades NEVER went where you wanted them to go and there was no way to throw them farther or pick them up when near you. "D"

Oh god, after FarCry, Crysis and others, this is the worse looking game I've seen since Castle Wolfenstein. The "Unreal" Engine needs to be retired. For such an "old looking" game the freezes, glitches and alike rendered this into a slide show early and often. So sad. "F"

Broken. Slow. Clunky and uninspiring. You get like or no help, when you do it's unremakable. Checkpoints are slow in coming. The game's short, and frustrating because the interface often gets you killed. "F"

Final Score:
This game could've been so much better than it was. Great concept ruined by poor slap-dash execution. D+

Da Worfster