Turning Point : Fall Of Liberty is a First Person Shooter for the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC.

User Rating: 6.5 | Turning Point: Fall of Liberty PC
Before i start this review let me say this :
This is my opinion. OK?

Turning Point : Fall Of Liberty is Spark Unlimited's second game.
The first was a War Shooter as well, called Call Of Duty : Finest Hour.
Call Of Duty : Finest Hour was a solid shooter, receiving favorable reviews.
When Turning Point was annaunced, alot of people expected a similar project.
Turning Point received mixed reviews, and i think i can see why.

The biggest flaw of Turning Point is the same as You Are Empty :
It has a cool concept, but is overwhelmed with several flaws.


Best part of the game is it's premise.

Set in an alternate reality.

The concept revolves around "What would have happened if we lost WW2?", aka "What would have happened if Winston Churchill died?".
Nazi's have concered Europe, Africa, and are now invading Amerika.

You play as Den Carson - a constructer worker who becomes Amerika's final hope after proving his (your) skills in the first levels.

And this is preety much the story...

The campaign is incredibly short, About 2 hours.
The game is seperated in 3 Acts, with 3 levels each.
Your only choice that remains after beating the game once, is to play some levels with unlockable cheats.


Do i have to talk about the graphihcs?

There's a game on the Playstation 2 called "Black", wich has graphics of a Playstation 3 game, without exaturation!
If you compare Turning Point with Black, Turning Point looks like a Playstation 2 game from the year 2001.

What saves the graphics is the Unreal Engine.
Explosions, buildings coming apart, and effects are exellent.


Even though some of the voice acting is terrible, the sound section sticks out.
The soundtrack is great and really sets the mood and makes you feel that your are playing a WW2 Shooter.


Turning Point : Fall Of Liberty plays like a normal FPS.

You Run And Gun the Nazi's wich stand in your way, find a switch and press the "E" button.

There's a handfull of weapons that you can get :
Tompson, Machine Gun, Rocket Launcher, Cleaver Rifle, Mauzer, etc.
I still think that You Are Empty has the most realistic postwar weapons.

There's an intresting Gameplay mechanic :
When you approach an enemy and press the 'E' button, and then the "W' button, you kill your enemy instanly, or when you press the "S" (while "E'), you will use the Nazi as a human shield.


Turning Point : Fall Of Liberty is enjoyable on it's own.
What breaks the enjoyablity are several bugs and the game's leinth, not to mention a multyplayer wich isn't really fun.


Turning Point : Fall Of Liberty is a Solid Shooter.
It's a good rental for a weekend. There's nothing special.

It needed more development, but it's OK.

Score - 3 / 5 - Rental.