Turning Point would benefit heavily from more time in development!

User Rating: 6 | Turning Point: Fall of Liberty (Collector's Edition) X360
Turning Point: Fall Of Liberty is one of those titles where you find yourself saying:

It's not THAT bad of a game.

And I think that sums it up perfectly.
You get a great premise (What if Germany succeeded in defeating Britain and then headed over to the US to try to do the same) with little in game story to back it up.
Some fun weapons (most with awful accuracy) and some even better set pieces (which are shoved between bland forgettable levels).

And if this had been 5 years ago then Turning Point would have been classed as a great game, along the lines of the better Medal Of Honour titles.
But it's not and it isn't.

Instead your left playing little more than a standard FPS that will pass the time and which will give you a little enjoyment every so often.

Unfortunately when you factor in the constant bugs and horrendous frame rate drops, not to mention the punishing save points that have you replaying huge sections of the game over and over, it gets harder to rate this game well.

Get it if its cheap but don't hunt it down.
As I say, It's not THAT bad of a game.