I loved playing Turning Point Fall of Liberty, I would rate this game an 8 out of 10. This game offers everything.

User Rating: 8 | Turning Point: Fall of Liberty PS3
I loved playing Turning Point: Fall of Liberty on my ps3, I would rate this game an 8 out of 10. This game offers everything to keep it interesting all game long. I liked the story line, you play as Dan Carson, a reluctant New York City construction worker turned freedom fighter. As Dan Carson you must survive the initial invasion by the Nazis before regrouping with other U.S. resistance members to take the fight back to the Nazis. Yes its true the frame rate sometimes can't handle some of the major battles making it a little choppy at times, and yes there are a few bugs in the game but nothing major. I say no big deal, this is a game you can play from beginning to end without any crazy game ending puzzles to solve or need to complete any levels under a stop watch that you repeat over and over. Turning Point: Fall of Liberty kept things interesting by making you climb, grapple, jump from building to building and more. I found the AI enemy was not as predictable as some reviews have stated, in fact I found the enemy to be very bold at times and actually charge you. Another thing I like about Turning Point: Fall of Liberty is during night missions the lighting is actually good so you don't need any night vision. Unlike some games you pay 60 bucks for the game and play half the game with night vision seeing everything in green. Best of all, because of the poor reviews I bought Turning Point: Fall of Liberty brand new for 15 bucks and I liked it better than games costing a lot more with better reviews.