I wish I had a time machine to go back and not buy this game.

User Rating: 3.5 | Turning Point: Fall of Liberty PC
Well, what can you say about Turning Point-Fall of Liberty without loosing your cool.
This game fails in so many directions. The graphical issues are legendary, which in itself renders the game unplayable. But if you can stomach the jerky slowdowns then you are met with a format that has been better done (it has to be said by the same developers!) and done to death. The Nazi thing is fine, I love a good Nazi cull as much as the next man, but the moves are hackneyed the scenery is unreal and the game-play linear. Next Gen it is not.

But next Gen was the price! And I feel robbed.

I have played this on two different machines on both XP and Windows 7. Windows 7 play is a marked improvement on XP but still jerky enough to make you ill after awhile.
In this day and age with so many examples of good, well developed, well programed and well tested games on the market, there is no excuse for a game like this, at this price. If this were a car company and it's models wheels fell off the minute you got it home, they'd be out of business in a week.