Good Idea+bad gameplay=Turning Point

User Rating: 4 | Turning Point: Fall of Liberty PS3
Ok, lets get this out of the way: I wanted to like this game. I really did. It had a great premise, and i was very interested in it. So i went out and bought it. Unfortunatly, this wasnt the case. Turning Point is a very disappointing, buggy, ugly FPS. I bought this game for about $20, i played it to completion, then i sold it back. The aiming in this game is really hard to get used to, and once you do, it's over with. This is a prime example of ambition being beaten by releasing a game to early. Maybe if they were to work on it a bit longer it could have been good. Hopefully someone will try something like this again with a better product. I really want to see a good alternate WWII reality game. I mite get this game again sometime when it costs $5, but who knows. Just dont play this without caution. You have been warned