The Idea Was Their But Not Well Thought Through

User Rating: 3.5 | True Crime: New York City XBOX
The Good - Good Cop or Bad Cop - Busting People - Extortion - Free Roam - Choose What Your Guy Looks Like

The Bad - Free Roam Isn't Much Fun - Driving is Slow and Boring - Missions Get Very Boring - Short Story Line - Not Many Clothes - Very Poor Music

True Crime: New York City is about a gangster (Marcus) who trusts in a man who knew his dad. The man lied to Marcus saying that his dad had died but he was just imprisioned. Marcus then finds out and goes to murder the man, he makes a run for it and Marcus chases him down. He then kills him then a man from the shadows appears and it is one of Marcus's friends (in the police department) he cleans up for Marcus making sure it doesn't lead to him. 5 Years later Marcus applied for a job in the police department and now he has to prove himself. After the shooting, disarming and driving test is done he is out on the streets with the man who cleaned the mess up 5 years ago. You bust a guy for poretion of drugs and makes a run for it. Marcus takes him down and they head back to HQ. They are then given a job down town, once their the man enters a building and Marcus waits in the car or him. The building blows up and Marcus is now desprete to get to the bottom of what happend to his friend.

To begin off with I had fun playing this game because the idea of a cop being able to go around shooting busting people extortion and all that crap sounds fun, but then after not even 2 hours into the game it just repeats itself I decided that I would finish the game and it is very del and boring. I recommend not getting this game it may look awesome and seem fun to start but it is not worth the money you pay. I rated 3.5