Basically a facelift for the old Tropico games

User Rating: 7 | Tropico 3 PC
This game is fun, but it hasn't really added much that was not present in the original Tropico and its xpac except updated graphics. and the interactive avatar It is the same game with the same buildings and features. Even the choices for specializing each building are pretty much the same (well they added llama farms) as are the various attributes and faults you can select as a leader. They even still have it so doctors are always male and engineers are always female (and priests and bishops still seem to be able to have families). It would be nice to see some new buildings, edicts, resources (and some new crops or industries once a certain date is reached or you reach a certain level of prosperity) or get some new abilities as a leader later in the game and possibly to be able to customize some buildings so that, as your community becomes more prosperous, your teamsters are no longer operating out of ugly quonset huts and all your middle class houses are not identical and so on. There are a few glitches with the tourist buildings (no matter how many hotels I build and how full they all are, the tourists seem to spend very little time at the various attractions I least they are all nearly or completely empty most of the time). Most of the campaign scenarios I have tried are pretty easy on normal difficulty, but one or two I have been unable to "get" thus far. I do not seem to be able to create an account in order to play "challenges" created by other players. At least, when I click that option, the login window just closes and it takes me back to the main Tropico screen. I've enjoyed it, but I don't think I will get as many hours of play out of it as I have with some city builder games. After a certain point, most of the scenarios are very similar.