Great for dinosaur fans, rubbish for anyone else.

User Rating: 4.8 | Trespasser (1998) PC
I first baught this game a while ago after searching for jurassic park games. Im a big fan of the Series and its games, ( no matter how terrible they are to some ).

I found this game at first to be boring, the dinosaurs moved in perculiar ways, acted aggressive and looked like giant pixel blocks when not moving or hovering, the only upside was they sounded real. This was a disappointment, after the hype they gave it on the release.

Some levels are seemingly pointless, frustrating to navigate and the charector is a woman, no offence (being one) and looked a bit, over rated, as well as making stupid sounds when she gets hurt and can't jump very far, has a annoying to control arm, which you swing and she almost drops what she's carrying, ie; weapons. I suppose this is trying to add to realism of the game, but annoying when your trying to distract a T-Rex from killing you and it walks into you, dropping the gun or hitting it..or some other reason and end up running frantically for your life.

The puzzles are, i must say, annoying! never seen so many stupid, and irrelevant puzzles, one level has you attempting to climb a mountain with some monals on, with things flying at you and rocks falling, you have to navigate that without getting killed. I also remember the mundane task ot retrieving an white disc and key from Hammonds office, trying to jump atop a load of, stupidly placed boxes to get up the broken stairs and finding that key thing under a rock in the garden when you realised you need it now your upstairs.

The Graphics are..ok, sketchy and patchy at times looking older than most games of its time, the dinosaurs look real. The Enviornments, the tree's appear pixelated untill you get closer, the rooms and buildinds have the same basic colour schemes and layouts. Some of the elements are to give it more of that, abandoned feel and works with the overall game theme. But sometimes i wondered, what is that there? Such as random white boxes with guns in, or some dead body.

The Dinosaurs, are a mixed AI, sometimes a Raptor will ignore you and pester some close prey, or fend off an rival Carnivore. Or they will watch you from afar, appearing curious and whilst your watching them another can sneak up behind you. The Raptors are the most feared of Dinosaurs, alongside the T-Rex for their pack-hunting plus side. The T-Rex is a crazy, pmsing Carnivore that gos crazy if you shoot it, dont believe the 'It will not notice you if you stay still' because it does. And it will keep on chasing you untill you either, kill it, it gets dristracted by another Rex/Dinosaur/Prey, cant find you (must run pretty fast and be very good at hiding) or just somehow gets confused. Their reactions vary, if you hit a Raptor with a plank of wood, it will be stunned or go crazy, hit a T-Rex in the same fashion and sometimes it wont even notice. You can, although cause a T-Rex or Raptor to back away if you harm them enough and give them a wide birth.

Overall, the game is fun, being a fan but i can see the flaws and its a shame, since there are not many decent Dinosaur games out there ( Id know i collect and play them! ). There are a small group of people who are working on improving the Graphics engine and overall game design. This game can evolve, if given the chance.