I actually thought it was pretty good...

User Rating: 8.1 | Trespasser (1998) PC
I don't know what the problem is... i actually thought Trespasser was pretty good. It's graphics might not be up to snuff, but it's a PC game made quite a few years ago. the so called "boring" puzzles wern't actually all that boring at all, I thought they were small but realistic ways to make the game more interesting than just a woman running around with a gun shooting dinosaurs.
The difficulty was a bit rough, but i think the places where the game became tough were fun. places where you're stuck and must find different routes to trick the dinosaurs so you can pick up the weapon and kill it just in time.
Not only was gameplay interesting, but the story line drew me in as well. i enjoyed the fact that you are on a plane which crashes on the island and you slowly figure out where you are as you go. the way it all unravels is very cool.
the only big problem i found was the ending. (I played the game so long ago so forgive me if i'm wrong) i felt it ended too suddenly. the grand finale wasn't as grand as it could have been, but all-in-all, i enjoyed this game.