Stupidly immersive.

User Rating: 8 | Trespasser (1998) PC

I love JP Trespasser. But it seems the challenge comes from the controls which are very weird. This is Half-Life meets Flight simulator.

The story is a spin off of Jurassic Park after the events of Lost world I believe. Anne crash lands into the Island of Jurassic park and will escape while uncoveting the horrible conspiracy behind the park. Anne explores while Dr.Ian Malcom tells the story in landmark set pieces and it's just so immersive. You will love it.

The controls are a bit dumb. Your health regenerates as you see on your boob heart tattoo regenerate .

The AI is very stupid yet smart at the same time. These dinos will mostly stumble around pretending to do dinosaur stuff. Stiffly silently. They kill each other. I ran up to a clever girl and she was not so clever. I was hiding behind a house porch and she was just running in a loop. She had no pathfinding whatso ever.

Among this games immersive quality you will realize how repetitive the game loop can be. No matter where you go you will be surrounded by cement or greenery.

If you die you are going to be eaten by a dino and you hear the nashing and slurping of the flesh.

Go to a place->-Fight a dino->Sneak around a dino->Solve a box puzzle->Watch a set piece. With JP trespasser. There are no human NPC's about or car chases.

No matter what you will be in a tense situation as ammo, weapons, items are incredibly sparse. You have realistic control over you gun but never bolster it. You have descision in combat. Either, fight,stealth or flight.

The music is sparse and is budget John Williams but will do the trick.

Graphically for it's time. JP Trespasser is something else, for 1997 the textures,models, and animations are unparalleled. The textures are pixelated do to it never being able to detect advanced hardware like graphics cards. Though it all feels so unfinished this could be because of the SUPER ADVANCED physics system. It's so dated yet it feels so real. Everything is big. This island, these maps. ARE GINORMOUS! If not filled with invisible walls.

Ah yes the physics in JPT Are NOTHING but insane. This is not longer in the commercial realm of FPS games. This is NASA Space sim level shit. I don't think 1998 computers could handle the physics.

Overally JP Trespasser is a good time if you're willing to stomach how rushed it is.