I think Trauma center is a good game it teaches you about the real life and its just a really fun game! hope u play it!

User Rating: 8 | Trauma Center: New Blood WII
This game teaches you wat to do in a real emergency it inspires you i really liked the game i have both ones and i beat them on easy, normal and hard.
I actually recommend this game to everybody it is pretty long and full of suprises well the remote scheme isnt as i would think it would be be altogether the game is good

Also this game you would enconter something that you wouldn't imagine and some of them are hard and you keep on trying and trying you will never stop playing i never put the remote down when i was playing it till i finished it 100%.

About this is this is a kind of game that you can play any time even if you beat it you play all the chapters and levels over and over and you will never get bored of them you can play the same level for hours and still keep on going on and play it.