Sequel to my favorite game of all time. Well, its more of an expansion pack than it is a sequel. A really big expansion.

User Rating: 8.5 | Trauma Center: New Blood WII
Trauma Center: New Blood is a fantastic puzzle/ simulation game about... surgery... It is more fun than it sounds, REALLY! This is the sequel to my favorite game of all time, Trauma Center: Second Opinion.

The graphics are pretty much the same. They put a little bit of polish on all of the graphics, characters, menus, and Icons. There are also some full-pictures during the dialouge, for example when there is a fire is shows a full picture of the man burning, and when Elaina arrives a shot of her getting the patient out of the van Other than that it looks pretty much the same.

The gameplay... is the same... it is played the same way, however it is still fun. They have added new elements here and there including massaging the heart, and co-op. The co-op is great. A smart, and fun addition to the series.

The sound is new. The music, sfx, clinks, clanks, and beeps are new. Most things and elements of sound are new for the most part. One dramatic change is the voice acting. It is actually there now. It is mostly dry acting. It is kinda borings, but when they yell they actually yell. Other than that voice acting is not all that special.


there are a lot of new operations such as pulling things out of a muscle, fixing rib cages, and putting in a pace-maker. The operations are, like Games Spot said, gruesome, but not gross.

Overall this is a worthy addition to the Trauma Center Universe. And defiantly a game you should add to your game collection. However voice acting could have been better, and there could have been a tad bit Newer. Oh and about the difficulty, it really is not that hard, to me, im a master at puzzles.