Believe in reader reviews! This game freaking rocks.

User Rating: 9.5 | Transformers: War for Cybertron PS3
This game is fun to play, bottom line. The graphics are sweet, the squad AI is actually useful, and the voice acting is spot on. The controls are very tight, after a very short while you'll be plowing through enemies and transforming at whim without even thinking about it.

Within minutes of putting this game in I was grinning like an idiot and telling my exasperated wife that I'd switch over to netflix just as soon as I got to the next checkpoint... and about 5 hours later when she went to bed without me I realized I'd played through most of the Decepticon campaign and the evening was done. This type of immersion simply doesn't happen that often for me anymore.

If you are a fan of the series, I'd recommend at the very least renting this title and blasting through the campaign modes, the back story is canon and the set piece battles and scenes are freaking awesome. Watching the once pristine edifices of Cybertron get destroyed all around me is an experience I've been waiting for since I was 5 years old, being able to lead the vanguard as Megatron and lay siege to Iacon is simply icing on the cake.

Is this game a brainless blast fest? Yes it is, and damn I'm glad I picked it up. Ignore the gamespot review, ammo is plentiful, the action is nonstop and the game play is tight. Why take cover when you can transform into a freaking tank and mow down everyone that dares shoot in your general direction??

On that note, is anyone else as annoyed as I am about the delay in getting a review for this game? I understand a little bit when games like phantasy star portable have delayed reviews, but for god's sake, this is one of the more anticipated games of the summer and it took GS a week to review it. I'm so glad I pay 40 bucks a year to get delayed reviews.