Not all it could be.

User Rating: 6.5 | Transformers: The Game PS2
This game is dissapointing in the fact that you know it could be more if the creators tried harder.

First off the graphics are good, with nice details in the trransformations and enviorment. The weapons have a decent effect also.

Next gameplay. This is where it falls. The game is (to me and many others) more fun once you win it. The missions dont really seam from the movie or certain aspects of it. The fighting is rather always kocking the enemy away than it is fighting them.

Storyline is a bit off but follows the big things about the movie. The next let down is you dont get to be all of the transformers,which dosent help its ratings.

Overall the game looks as if it could be better. If the creators put a good efffort into this it would score easily.

I recomend if your a die-hard transformers fan rent this first. Other people might not really see benifit in either renting or buying this game.

Note: The one on the Wii is worse.