This version of Transformers will leave you with great voice acting, action, small free-roaming sandbox, But has issues

User Rating: 7.5 | Transformers: Decepticons DS
Transformers: Decepticons, good game, has enough free land to go around in a DS game, though since it's pretty much the same thing as Autobots, there's nothing much to do...
Sure, new characters and great voice acting, but it's camera was terrible, being chased by cops is only bad when your back is turned...
Vehicles transformations have been improved but is pretty much a Helicopter that has a minigun and a missile launcher and a Jeep...
The war has improved, and stories have become more addressed, though I got confused because each game's story has their opinion on their enemy...
Graphics are good for a DS game, pixel 3-D is what I call it...
Run time was great as with the difficulty, this was like a GTA for kids!
So all-in-all, great for family games, and kids will get a kick out of the destruction!