The Transformers debut on the PC is as worse as possible.

User Rating: 6 | Transformers: The Game PC
There's no other thing in the world of video-gaming, not so dissapointing like a game inspired by a film of the same name. It happened in the past, it still happens now, and for the future? I fear the worst.

My issue with this particular game is that such a licence was wasted. The Transformers had long to appear, but after playing the game, I thought it would be better if they never did. So you set up to destroy what gets in your way. Above the primary missions the game points out, there are other minor missions that you can do, but there's really no need to: they are annoying and don't continue the plot after all. And after a while, you will be called to take out other Transformers. This is not neccesarily good, as the combat style and moves of the game are not what you would have expected and will bore you after a short while.

Added to the above are the problems of the camera itself, as it worsens your in-game experience and makes the game more difficult instead of making it easier. This is probably the most negative issue about this game. Another one major con of Transformers is its length as a chain of scenarios. Though they are rather good, the game offers a short experience. The fact that there are two playable campaigns doesn't change much: Transformers is one of the shortest video-games you will ever find.

But for the graphics? There are no flaws to point out. The design of both the environments and the characters from the minor ones and the smallest details to the cutscenes and the main characters of the game, the graphics are a masterpiece. Furthermore, the environment of the game has a nice destruction effect, meaning that your robots can destroy what they want to anytime.

The official game of the first Transformers movie is much more of a letdown. I recommend you not to buy this game if there is something better on the shelve or if you are not a fanatic fan of the franchise.