A game that seems like one of the best at first but as you progress it begins to tire but still a great game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Transformers: The Game WII

Transformers the game is a takeoff of transformers the movie it lets you play as your favorite characters as seen in shows and movies. Do not be fooled if you are expecting the movie storyline to be the same as the game storyline you will be disappointed.

This game has the same goal as in the movie to retrieve the cube but is set out differently. Although in some parts it can be the same as the movie but not much. Transformers the game also actually lets you play as both sides evil or good whatever you like it's there.

The graphics of the game are a bit ordinary it's not pixilated or near pixilated but it isn't one of those games that everybody likes because it has good graphics. You see the world normally but when you zoom in on a characters face they look like they are made of rubber.

You will get allot of fun out of this game it's not all just blowing up your enemies it's also chasing flying racing to beat the opposite team there are a variety of missions to suite you. It also has a couple of sub missions if you want to take a break from the storyline and sharpen your skills, they also do things that you would never get to do in the actual missions.

As you progress and finish the game you may find that there's nothing to do but blow up buildings well the people who say that are often the ones who do not search for bonus feature icons and cubes. Finding these pickups will let you view some small movies about the game and the TV show as well as some snapshots from the movie and even products available to buy with the description of your favorite characters.

A few faults in the game are that you don't play as all the characters such as devastator, frenzy and ratchet which would be the more interesting characters to play with. A small amount of glitches have been found but very few try these glitches due to the fact they are too hard to perform. In one of the chapters of the game you are in Hoover Dam and it is very hard to see as you are underground with a small amount of light which can be very frustrating. And on wii the controls will be a small challenge to master.

Overall I think transformers is crudely under rated, people have put hard work into this game to make it great but it never seems that people will ever care I think this game is good and should be rated higher.