It's not that bad, but it still could of been something much better

User Rating: 6.5 | Transformers: Autobots DS
First thing I want to say is that it is better then the PC game and the console games believe it or not but its true

Anyway, the graphics are horrible because all the Transformers are just horrible models with really, really bad textures.

The missions are really easy.
Scanning cars and transforming into them is pretty cool
Play as your own autobot!

It's an original idea of how you scan cars and your transformer is anything you want it to be. Instead of being boring bumblebee or optimus not being able to customize.

The game could of been better.
In my opinion the controls feel perfect
The way you have to touch the touch screen to transform is a bad idea because I always do it with my thum because its impossible to hold a stylus while fighting and stuff.

You will find yourself using everything with your thumb.