How to do the Mission Know Thy Enemy very easy!

User Rating: 2.5 | Transformers: Autobots DS
When you get the first car, just go and return it to Optimus Prime, and defeat the enemy's following you, once you defeat the remainder's destroy item's to look for heath.
If you get to the second Car.( The Buggy ) If you first pick it up and point to the direction to going back to Optimus, You will see a building that is right next to the rock wall, go between it and keep going till you se no more enemy's on your map, and then just bring the Buggy back to Optimus.
Once your done with those Car's your next one is Blackout, to defeat Blackout just keep jumping and running in circles shooting at him, and once you defeat Blackout, that is the end of the level.(This Level may take you at least two minutes to do if you are a master at the level. If Jazz dies from Blackout just level up your character. In free play mode then it should take you 30 seconds to defeat Blackout.( I suggest level 15 ) If you are a low level of your auto bot It will take a long time to level up your character.( If you have Action Replay, and have the code fast level up, it will be easy to level up. )
Note: Ask your Parents for a Action Replay DS/DSi! :D