This really is one the worst games ever made.

User Rating: 3 | Transformers: The Game PSP
First of all, I haven't touched my copy of Transformers in several months because it was so bad. I would give it a 2.0, but I got to give the staff SOME sort of credit for putting some (cough cough NONE cough cough) effort into this game. The graphics are okay, but not as promising as its cover. Heck, the DS version of Transformers is honestly 5 times better than this. Transformers makes Ribbit King look revolutionary. Don't waste your twenty dollars on this piece of junk, its definitely not worth it. Stupid me, was fooled by the cover. Trust me, don't buy it. Please. The story is terrible, the controls are terrible, and the bosses take 5 hours to beat. I'm not going to get a migraine for staring at my PSP screen for 5+ hours just to beat a boss, and I hope you don't either. Overall I give Transformers a 3 out of 10, because I know they could have done better.