Kind of a B-Video Game

User Rating: 6.5 | Transformers: The Game PC
Transformers the Game is a horrible, rush, incoherent, and flaw game. The being a vehicle is difficult border on frustrating even after modfiying the controls and the story rather than being explained through cut-scenes is told through short sentences at the begining of a mission. The physics engine is laughable having the robots you play as able to send other cars flying when in car mode like feathers and the robots' mouths don't even move during the cut scenes. Despite the incredibly powerful and impressive arsenal of the Autobots and the Decepticons, nearly every enemy in the game has a shield that bounces bullets right of them.

Despite the hundreds of horrible things about Transformers the Game, it is hard not to love it. While the graphics, story, and presentation of the game are all atrotious, being a huge robotic giant is incredibly fun. Walking down city streets while destroying buildings only half your size as puny humans run in fear is just fun. The same can be said about ripping a tree out of the ground and smacking your foes across town. Also, small things in the game play as also add to the fun, like after being thrown a hundred yards a robot will grip to the ground to stop him.

While the game is very flawed, the fun of being a gigantic robotic alien is definitely a lot of fun and is the only reason to play this game. If you have the time rent it since you can complete it in about a day.