Truly a dissapointment. Much less fun and more sloppy then the original. Shouldn't even have the name on the box.

User Rating: 3 | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen PSP
This game is a true disappoint. You would think that they would improve this one because it is a squeal? No they didn't. Compared to this one, I had much more fun playing the first one. Almost everything was better about the first one. What makes this one worse:
(Can't Transform whenever you want.)
(Cannot aim like a FPS or TPS. This is a top down camera.)
(You see the same enemies, over and over and over and over.)
(Graphics are a lot worse, Most of the models are just color pallets, not textures.)

Not to much fun to play. Feels really sloppy and put together in 5 minuets. I just really don't recommend this to any one. Its not as fun as the original. Here is a tip, don't buy movie games, even if you are a fan of it. It just plainly isn't enjoy able, it doesn't really feel like "Transformers". Please don't get, unless you want to waste $30....