Better and more polished then 07s Transformers!

User Rating: 9.5 | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen PS3
Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen is a step in the right direction for the series! While there is a few downers that i have seen to the game, mostly being the length of the levels. It is alot more Polished then Traveller's Tales game 2 years ago!
the central level hub is very similar to that of Melbourne House's (had to give my AUS home city a plug there :D) 04 Transformers! Where you select your level, or sub level if unlocked, and character. Most levels just have the one, or two, characters to choose from to start off with but you can unlock more as you collect medals and mission points and so on! There is also alot of unlockables to be had, some of which must be gain by replying levels with charcters you have unlocked. leaderboards also make it a lil more fun to compete with fellow "transformers" around the world.
The levels, as already stated, are 'short'. Though they are still fun and alot more entertaining then 07s 'run do this do that' style of gameplay. The controls once gotten used to are alot smoother as well! For me personally it has taken some getting used to using two fingers on both Shoulder buttons instead of my normal index finger for each hand! Transformation is done by holding down R2 which might sound strange but this allows you to add certain combo attacks, like ground punching and leap jumping, by doing so!
And last but not least possibly the best installment to the game is ONLINE game play! Playing as Autobot or Decepticon pitted against eachother in online games is something i have personally wanted since i started playin online games 4 years ago! There is your standed team death match, Deathmatch, Battle for the Shards, which is like a flag capture. One shall stand is like a death match except one player takes control as Prime or Megs for each side while you try to take down the other factions leader while defending yours! Cantrol points is virtually a base capture game! There is also leaderboards for online game play as well! Aswell as a few trophies to be had to gain though online play!
While this will not be for everyone. It is mostly for the fan boys like myself, there is enough for even the smallest Transformers fan that they may get a kick outta this movie based game! If you hated 07s game, still give this a try, for it is alot better and alot more fun!