One of the WORST GAMES EVER!!! On top of that, i had to pay $30 for this crap!!! Oh ya, there is ONLY 3 Transformers!

User Rating: 2 | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Decepticons DS
This game is all of what the first game is!!! BUT MUCH MUCH WORSE!!!!
First of all, the graphics are Horrible. The transformers look like paper Mache with some car doors slapped on. The buildings and shadows are repulsively bad even for the DS! The levels are extremely repetitive, you'll do the same objective about 4 or 5 times in the game. The world design is very limited. In the first game, you could wander around 2-3 huge maps and do the levels at your own pace. Now you choose the levels off of the map screen, and they don't let you free-roam through the 20-by-20 environments. Exactly half the time, you aren't even playing your own transformer.

I could handle all of that except there is no diverse transformer selection like the first game. You have 3 CUSTOM TRANSFORMERS TOTAL!!!! you only get to play one of them you select. Each one is a different color. There is a small, weak, purple transformer; a medium, average, blue-and-grey transformer; and a large, strong, dark gray cool looking one. The reason i got this game was for the diverse decepticons, and now they don't have it??? WHAT KIND OF BS IS THIS??? Did they trade in all the good stuff for MULTI-CARD multi-player??? (don't even get me started on how bad that is!!!)
THE ONLY thing that kept it from being a 1 was the good voice acting!

My only hope is for the next one to be different and more like the first! if they can do that, i will forgive them!