Great Graphics and feeling of power, but the controls sucked.

User Rating: 5 | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen PS3
If you played the first game and are expecting an improved version of it... prepare to be let down, as the controls are tricky and you find your self doing something you didn't want to. Don't get me wrong this is the game I wanted to like... I really hoped it would have done the first one justice and pursued the same battle system, but they must have assumed that we wanted something ridiculous! You are required to hold down a button and that in it's self makes driving hard, then another to enter weapons mode. If you were using a charge shot cannon and went to lock on to the enemy you switch to vehicle mode, in point making some trophies harder to earn.

Story mode is pretty easy and the cinematic clips are a nice touch, but the game is short and free roam is a bad joke. It's like you should be fighting some one in this area, but nothing ever happens and nothing can be uncovered... like markers for points. Some times story mode is just the same... your always on a timer to get it all done, rush threw the level as fast as you can. It makes you want to play the levels only once and has no secondary play, even in multiplayer your replay value isn't that high cause of the control and battle system.

Multiplayer would be fine in big groups, but in one on one... it lacks the fun. It frustrates me when I shoot and shoot the same guy, even if I managed to have the element of surprise on my side I'd still end up dead. It's not worth it to try and take them on and the game earns a fail, at least in the control area. It's always nice to see them transform and the new transformers are fun to play as, but I didn't see Skids and Mud Flap... not to mention the RC twins! I'd strongly suggest you rent it... or borrow it from a friend, but thanks for taking the time to read and I hope I was helpful.