Although it's too short and it has camera issues, it's still pretty fun to play. Especially in the Arena Mode.

User Rating: 7.5 | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen WII
A Couple years ago Traveler Tales brought us the first Transformers game[ which was average by the way], now here comes Revenge of the Fallen. This time from KROME Studios[ Who brought us The Force Unleashed]. And even though this game is nowhere near to outstanding, it's better than the first one.

There isn't much of a story to it[which is no real surprise] There are very few Humans in this game. Just mostly Autobots and Decipticons. You play as a mix in the Campaign mode in this version, some levels you play as the Autobots, other levels you play as the Decipticons. That's pretty much all there is to the story, for what i know.

And overall the game is pretty fun. As soon as you get in you'll enjoy shooting up or beating up bad guys since the controls work out well[ most of the time, the controls have some issues now and than, especially in Boss Battles], each Transformer has their own Weapons and Special Abilities. And you can play as every Transformer except for Rampage, Devastator and some other big Decepticon. You play through sort-of Linear plat former-like levels in order to reach you're objective. And it's disappointing that there isn't very much transforming. But to make up for it, the transforming sequences are really cool.