More then meets the eye. A Transformers game worth playing.

User Rating: 9 | Transformers PS2
If you were born anywhere in the 80’s then I don’t have to tell you what the Transformers are and what they mean to people. Now we are going through and 80’s cartoon revival (don’t believe me? Check your TV guide and you will find He-man, Ninja Turtles and many more are back.) And its no surprise Transformers has followed. Before you even go near this game please note this is not the old cartoon you remember (aka G1) but based on a new series called “Armada” but please don’t give up just because of that.

The game is one I picked up because my inner fan-boy would not let me walk past it, and for once I am glad that I didn’t ignore it. The game while not perfect is still surprisingly good, the graphics are awesome and the game play is not too bad either. The story is lightly based off the cartoon, you play one of three Autobots (Optimus Prime, Red alert or Hotshot) and you must stop the Decpticons from getting a load of mini transformers called Minicons. For some reason Megatron decides not to kill Optimus Prime when he has the chance (he even says some of the lines from the transformers movie, and this is not the only G1 treat you get in this game.) but instead goes to earth to catch these little robots.

While it makes no sense to me why a giant robot that can turn into a truck would want a robot the size of his hand it does work in the game. Each character can have a certain number of these little guys with him, and they each give different abilities such as new weapons, flight and shields. While you search around the game for them you will also be attacked by generic decpticons which you can defeat by shooting, melee or by transforming and running them down. In the game shooting is the main way to get the job done, melee feels awkward at best and transforming is almost an after thought you use to make some jumps every now and then.

This game has a lot of life in it, there and hundreds of minicons to find and add to your arsenal and loads that unlock special content. You have concept art, videos and even some old PSA to watch if you can find them. The Boss fights can be great, and worth it just to watch the jaw dropping videos after them. There is also some feeling of accomplishment when you defeat a boss that a few minutes earlier was the level you were playing, yes that’s right the whole level…

Sound quality is pretty high on this; the music thought forgettable never takes anything away or ruins the game in anyway. Voice acting is don’t by the current shows actors and will not cause auditory bleeding and the sound effects and the usual affair of sci-fi lasers and such. But most of the time you will be busy looking for that hidden minicon or enjoying the wonderful backgrounds so sound does not come into it much. Overall I would say that if you like shooting games or transformers this game is worth more then a second look. Right now you could probably find a copy cheap in a bargain bin but don’t feel bad paying full price for this game. At least it will feed your addiction until the new game based on the film comes out.