If you like mystery and puzzls, this is the game for you! Dive in with a challenging mystery in Trace Memory!

User Rating: 8 | Another Code: Futatsu no Kioku DS
I loved this game i rally liked the characters and the game play itself wasnt hard, it was figuring out what to do, it is seriously one of the harder games out there, well, if you don't cheat. The story line is simple, and complex at the same time, A 13 year old girls get a present from her "dead" father that is a part of an experiment he and her mother where working on, they were studying the human mind and its memory, hence the name, but what happened to him? find out on Blood Edward island were you meet many strange puzzles and time consuming mysteries, if you love any mystery games, this is one for you to chew on, I think this is one of the best DS games out, considering it was one of the first.