My hand's are sore ;(

User Rating: 5 | Townsmen 3 MOBI
Revieing phone: Nokia 3200

Townsmen 3 is another one of those games that makes you think "Wow! How did they fit this onto my mobile ?!" Unfortunately that’s pretty much the only positive thing i could think of after playing this game.

Townsmen 3 is a real time strategy game similar to settlers in that it focuses mainly on creating a settlement & gathering resources. Apparently there is some combat in the game, but i didn’t get that far into the game before i got fed up.

This brings me to the reason why i think this is a flawed game & simply put its the controls. They are mind numbingly difficult to use because it take to long to open/sort & close the menus. The structure of them couldn’t be laid out worse either, its as if the developers went out of thier way to make it more difficult. There’s all this space in the menu screen, with only 1 line of text, displaying what you can build etc. Why not just have it in list format & save the user 2 mins of scrolling!? What were the developers thinking!? Strategy games are about making decisions & fast, but its just not happening here.

Under neither the clucky controls is a RTS game with minimal satisfaction. 1st you start with a dock that acts like a town hall in other strat games, then you make a wood cutters hut, farmer, tool smith etc etc. One building works of the next, for example the wood cutters hut needs 1 water & 2 fish to operate.

There are native tribes who you can trade or go to war with, depending on how you want to play the game, but i didnt get that far because i got so frustrated with the controls.

This would be a good game if it were on PC but its just not working for the mobile phone. If you want a good strat game, try Ancient Empiers 1 & 2, now thats how RTS mobile gaming should be!